Happy Christmas Happy Christmas from all of us to you. We wish you all a safe and happy time this Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all again in the new year on Wednesday the 6th of January. Below are performances from the children of Junior Infants to 2nd Class for you to enjoy. Recordings of performances from 1st and 2nd class to follow
Morning Entertainment! Many thanks to the wonderful pupils of 5th and 6th Class for spreading the Christmas cheer for the past two mornings as they performed a live crib in the front hall of the school and also played a number of Christmas tunes on their tin whistles out in the front yard. Christmas came early to the children of Bishop O’Brien National School this year
when they received a selection box each from Watergrasshill Community Council. This very kind gesture ensured our first term ended on a high as 110 excited children went home very happy for their Christmas holidays. A huge thank you to Watergrasshill Community Council for their kindness. It was greatly appreciated. Commemoration of the Gortrua Massacre The 18th of December 2020 saw a considerable gathering at Bluebell Cross to
commemorate the 186th anniversary of the Gortrua Massacre. John Arnold lead the proceedings. Fifth and Sixth Classes attended the ceremony. They later visited the site of the Widow Ryan's house situated in Dan and Mary Ryan's farmyard. Thank you to them both for granting permission to visit the location. Picture This!!Here are the photographs captured by the boys and girls of 5th and 6th class recently. We hope
you enjoy them. Parents' Association Christmas Fundraiser 2020 The Parents Association would like to announce the return of their highly successful 50/50 Christmas Raffle. Last year €1270.00 was raised for our school and the winner also took home a massive €1270.00. Tickets are €12 each or 2 for €20. Please contact your class rep or any member of the P.A. for purchase or queries. For any member of the public who would like to purchase a ticket, please contact Sarah on 086- 0829949 All Support is greatly appreciated. Artists at work! Below are some of the pieces created by all of our amazing artists over the past few weeks. Waterworks!! 'Water quality', 'insect life', 'pollution' and 'erosion' were some of the terms that the children of 5th and 6th class encountered on a recent excursion as they visited a local stream. Bartlemy Village under the spotlight! Bartlemy Village is one of the few villages remaining that still displays its links with the past.
The Milk churn stand, old water pump, shop fascades etc. can readily be viewed. The children of 5th and 6th Class, recently took a stroll down Memory Lane to study these first hand. Here are just a few pictures of our outing, Christmas Preparations Underway in 5th and 6th 5th and 6th class have taken their music lessons outside as they prepare some beautiful tin whistle tunes for Christmas. |