Science Week 2020 From the 9th to the 13th of November 2020, we celebrated Science Week in our school. All classes completed a number of science themed activities. The children of Junior and Senior Infants, investigated colour mixing and also explored magnets. In 1st and 2nd class, the children participated in a science themed quiz and carried out a very fun science experiment where they observed their gummy bears growing in water. In 3rd and 4th class, the children explored sound and how sound travels through a variety of materials. They completed an investigation to determine whether of not an egg can bounce and also investigated bacteria growth on bread(unwashed hands, washed hands and bread wiped on a table top). In 5th and 6th class, the children learned about famous scientists and their inventions and discoveries and completed a science themed table quiz in groups. They also worked in teams as they designed and created a house for the 4th Little Pig on a budget. Below are a selection of photographs from the week.
Discover Primary Science and Maths Award 2020 In October, we were awarded our second Discover Primary Science and Maths Plaque of STEM Excellence. We will proudly display our plaque in the front hall of our school along with the plaque we were awarded in 2018. A big congratulations to all the staff and children involved. Maths Week 2020 We had a great week celebrating Maths Week in our school in October. A number of fun and engaging maths activities took place in all classrooms with children playing maths games, solving problems and puzzles and creating and participating in maths trails. |