Congratulations to our wonderful 6th class pupils who graduated from school last Thursday the 25th of June 2020. We would like to extend a big thank you to all the families who turned up to wish the children farewell in the drive by. If we needed a reminder of what a fantastic school community we have, we got it in the amazing turnout we received. To the pupils of 6th class, you are seven amazing young people and we could not be prouder of you all. We will miss you all but are so excited that you are all starting this new adventure and we wish you every success and happiness for the future. Slán go fóill agus tá súil againn go bhfeicimid sibh arís sa todhchaí. Below are photographs from the event. Many thanks to Ger Dorgan for her fantastic photography skills on the night. We are very grateful for your help. The 6th class pupils also received a special message from Karl Henry.