Bride Rovers G.A.A. Art Competition Bride Rovers G.A.A recently ran an art competition in the school from 3rd class up to 6th class. The theme was Irish culture. We had lots of happy children receiving their prizes. Well done to everyone who participated. We are sure the judges had a very hard job! We would like to thank Bride Rovers and especially John Arnold and Mossie O' Sullivan who took the time to visit us and present the children with their prizes.
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022 Bhí imeachtaí ar siúl againn ar feadh na seachtaine. Bhí "Lá Glas" againn inné agus bhí na páistí in ann éadaí glasa a chaitheamh ar scoil. Ghlac na páistí páirt sa Céilí Mór freisin. Rinne na páistí rince difriúla ar nós An Dreoilín, Cuir Bróg ar an Asal agus Ionsaí na hInse Bhain na páistí an-taitneamh as na himeachtaí agus bhí siad ag déanamh an-iarracht an Ghaeilge a labhairt. AuthorEmma Savage
Philip Hazelwood, husband of our fabulous S.N.A., Ms. leigh, visited the school during Engineering week to speak to all classes about his work as a civil engineer. The aim of Engineering Week is to promote engineering to children in Ireland and spark their interest and curiosity about it as a career. Philip delivered an inspiring presentation to all classes from Junior Infants to 6th class. He told us about some of the interesting projects he has been involved in, including the Thames Tideway Tunnel and the Naas to Newbridge upgrade scheme. The children could see how engineering projects make a difference to the quality of peoples' everyday lives. The children got an understanding of the skills and dispositions needed to become an engineer with an emphasis on problem solving, thinking outside the box and being able to learn from one's mistakes. The children had lots of questions for Philip and he patiently answered each and every one. It was a fabulous learning experiences for the children. ![]() Philip Hazelwood with 5th & 6th class. Below are some of the photographs taken throughout the week as the children completed their engineering tasks. World Book Day 2022 We celebrated World Book Day in our school last Thursday the 3rd of March 2022. All the children looked fantastic as they came to school dressed up as their favourite characters. Lots of activities took place throughout the day such as book reviews, character interview and drama activities. Below are some of the photographs taken on the day. |